At Guyette Facial & Oral Surgery Center, we are committed to the continual pursuit of excellence. Our goal is to be the best possible provider of oral and maxillofacial surgery anywhere. While striving to obtain maximum surgical results, we are committed to making your experience safe, comfortable, and convenient. See what our patients have to say.
Oral Surgery
Oral surgery is a primary focus at Guyette Facial & Oral Surgery. Dr. Olga Smutko is board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon with the expertise to help diagnose and correct a variety of conditions of the face.
Dental Implants
Restore your smile with Guyette Facial & Oral Surgery Center.
With the latest proven techniques, we can help reverse the signs of aging, creating a more beautiful and radiant you at our medi-spa.
Guyette Facial & Oral Surgery Center is home to board certified oral & maxillofacial surgeons Olga Smutko, DDS.